Spring BBQ and Wellbeing Drumming

We were very lucky to have a warm sunny spring day last Saturday, for the summer BBQ. 

We started welcoming old and new friends, including Sue from Central England Coop, Sarah from Brushstrokes and BIRCH, our Baker friend, two local B21 residents and David, Pat and Peter from BIRCH. 

Callywally did a drumming session to get us relaxed and happy. And a few women strutted their stuff. 

It was good to see our regular garden members pull together and prepare the garden setting,  and a tasty feast- thanks for those who donated extra, the cake, wine, juice, pasta, rice was very nice. 

We congratulated our members and distributed certificates to those who passed the food hygiene course. 

Some good lessons around communication emerged and at our volunteer review – looking forward to reflecting more as a group to make events as collaborative as possible. 

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